Disc Jewel Case

Front Cover

Artwork needs to be within: 4-3/4” (4.75”) wide x 4-5/8” (4.625”) high.

The artwork background (overall document size) needs to be: 5-1/4” wide x 5-1/8” (5.125) high.

Back Cover & Spine

Artwork needs to be within: 5-7/16” (5.438”) wide x 4 5/8” (4.625”)

The artwork background (overall document size) should be: 5-7/16” + 1/4” on both sides for the Spine = 5-15/16” + 1/4” Bleed
on both sides = 6-7/16” (6.438”) wide x 5-1/4” (5.125”) high.

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